Terraria: Game Review

Terraria: Game Review

                         Hello my name is Derek and today I am doing a game review on Terraria. Terraria is a game about making a home with people moving in with you and helping. To mine, and scavenge resources to fuel your home and its visitors. Fight off monsters to protect your you home. Finally, to collect the items needed for the best amour, weapons, and tools to reclaim the world that the evil took over.

Tools and People

                         In Terraria their are people and tools. First, I am going to talk about tools. In Terraria you start out with three tools. A sword, for fighting off any monsters that attack you . A ax,                    which you use to cut down trees for resources you need to start. The pickax, which is used to mine dirt, stone, or any other ore. In Terraria theirs also people. When you start in Terraria their is a person called the guide. He will tell you about how to start you in Terraria. This person can move into your house.  For him to move into your house you just need a room for him with a table and chair. He will  then move into your house. The next person is the merchant, he can find you if you have 50 silver coins and a room. But, what are coins. That is what I am going to talk about next. 


                         Money is very important in Terraria. You can use it to buy items to grow. Money has a few levels, the first is copper coins. The next is silver coins, you need 100 copper coins for one silver coin. The next is gold coins, you need 100 silver coins to get one gold coin. The last is platinum coins, 100 gold coins is one platinum coin. Once you earn the merchant you can sell items to him for a little less of what its worth. You can also buy important items from the merchant. To get money you can kill monsters, all monsters drop money. You can adventure, you can find chests, which have either money in it or items in it that could be sold for money. You can also find pots which usually drop something worth money or money. You can also mine ores and sell them as ingots. That is all about money.

Mining, Smelting and Crafting

                         In Terraria there are many ores. Ores can be smelted once you have a certain amount of the ore and some times another ores are needed to make ores. To smelt you simply need the items and a furnace. You can also craft items. To craft you need the items needed for crafting and you need a crafting bench. Their is also a item called the anvil, which is used to craft armor and tools. But, after you mine for a long time you will reach the underworld or hell. In this place There are the hardest monsters, a lot of dungeons, and the most valuable ore: hellstone. Hellstone is used for making the best armor, tools and weapons. That is all about Mining, smelting, and crafting.


                         Terraria is a great game so I rate it 8.5/10. I rated Terraria 8.5 because its a great game, but it limits a few items. Thank you for reading my Terraria game review and have a great day.    


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Terraria: Game Review


Game Review

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