Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Game Review

Call of Duty: MW3

Call of Duty: MW3
                         Hello my name is Derek and today I'm going to be doing a game review on a game called MW3 or Modern Warfare 3. If you would like to read my Black Ops review click here. MW3 is a extremely popular first person shooter. MW3 comes from a line of other first person shooters. The first popular one being MW1, which started the Modern Warfare series and was made by Infinity Ward. The next was World at War, World at War was the first game made by Treyarch and had the new zombie survival mode. Then MW2 was made, it was just a polished version of MW1. The next is Black Ops, which is just a polished or renewed version of World at War. The Last is MW3.


                         So, we talked briefly about MW3 and its past games, but now where going to be talking about MW3 by itself. So, in MW3 there are obviously going to be guns. So, I decided to talk about them. First of all, MW3 has a few columns of guns. They are assault rifles, sub machine guns, shot guns, sniper rifles, and light machine guns. Every gun has a fire rate, damage, and range. Assault rifles have medium fire rate, damage, and range. Sub machine guns have a high fire rate, low damage and low range. Shot guns fire rate varies, have high damage, and low range. Sniper rifles fire rate varies, have high damage, and high range. Finally, light machine guns. Light machine guns have low fire rate, high damage, and long range. There are so many different guns in those categories but theres still more: Guns also have multiple attachments, different guns have different attachments. There are many attachments, above barrel attachments like the scope or red dot sight. Theres also below barrel attachments like the grenade launcher and the mini shot gun. Thats all on guns next I'll be talking about Perks, kill streaks, and death streaks.

Perks, Kill Streaks, and Death Streaks

                         So, we talked about guns and there attachments. Next we'll be talking about perks or extras to your abilities in MW3. There are many perks, one makes you run faster while another makes you run longer. But anyways, you have 3 perk slots which hold different perks. Perks can be very useful, they can save your life: Some perks make you invisible to the enemy on the radar or invisible by air support. Thats all about perks, now I'm going to talk about kill streaks and death streaks. Kill streaks are very simple, If you get a certain amount of kills you get air support or anything else that can help you kill your enemies. Theres even a perk that lets you need one less kill to get a kill streak. So, we talked about perks and kill streaks now lets talk about death streaks. Death streaks are the opposite of kill streaks: If you die a certain amount of times you get a death streak to get payback on you enemies. Unlike perks you can only have one death streak. But death streaks are still useful for you to get back in the game. Some death streaks show you where you nemesis is on the map or improves you bullet damage. Thats all for perks, kill streaks, and death streaks, next I'll be talking about unlocks.


                         You don't just get all the perks and weapons when you start! You have to earn these things by leveling up and unlocking them. First of all, you start at level one and it gets harder and harder to level up until you reach level 70. When you level up to level 70 you restart back to level 1 but your first prestige. The highest level is level 70 10th prestige. How it works is you keep all you titles and emblems when you prestige, but you loose your guns. So, what are titles and emblems? Titles and emblems are a way to show off your skill, to unlock a title you have to do a certain task, some hard some easy. When you prestige your restarting from scratch but, like I said before, you keep your titles and emblems so you  can show off what you did the prestige before. Thats all for MW3 next I will show my rating and other results. 


                         So, we talked about MW3's line of first person shooters, its guns its perks, kill streaks, and death streaks, and its unlocks. Overall this is a great game that I enjoy playing, I don't see any problems with it. So, my rating is 8.5/10. I didn't give it the 9 because it is a fun game but I don't feel like it has everything it needs to get the full 9. Thats it for now thank you for reading this review and there are plenty more reviews coming.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Game Review

Call of Duty

Modern Warfare 3

Game Review

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