Assassins Creed: Game Review

Assassins Creed
       Assassin's Creed: Game Review

                         Hello my name is Derek and today I am doing a game review on a game called Assassin's Creed. If you would like to see my review on a game that has swords and weapons like Assassin's Creed click here to look at my Skyrim game review. Assassin's Creed is a game where you are a assassin in a assassins guild called The Assassin's Creed. This is a very fun game and I hope you enjoy this game review.


                        In this game you aren't actually a assassin, you are part of the future and you are captured by scientists to be tested because you have information that they want in order to help the world. So, you are put into a advanced device that doesn't open your memories but, you ancestor's memories. You are then put in the animus as a assassin a very long time ago. In this game you don't just run around killing everyone. You stealthily have to kill assassination targets. In the game there is also a story. When the story starts you are a very high ranking assassin going through tunnels in search for a treasure. You then find the treasure surrounded by your worst enemies. You try to kill one of them and you fail, then he kills one of your men and cuts the other ones arm  off. But, you escape with nothing but scratches. You then visit your master and the one of your men. The other man that died happened to be his brother who was the lowest rank in the group. You then attract your enemy to your brotherhood when trying to kill him. He destroys part of your village and many  men were lost in the battle. Since you caused all the deaths you start over as the lowest tier assassin. To get back up to your high rating you need to assassinate 8 people. So, you start on your quest, earning back your weapons, armor, and pride. After all the assassinations are done you come back to your town to see everyone walking around like they were zombies and your men where trying to kill you, but, luckily you survived with the help of your friends. You then find you master holding a ball of power. He tries to kill you! But, you fight him back and kill him, then you look at the light and you wake up from the animus to find something in your room that the scientists  didn't tell you about.


                          In this game you have many weapons that you use to kill your victims. That is what I am going to be talking about. The first weapon is your fists. You can use your fists to fight if you don't have a sword, which happens when you start from the bottom as a assassin. You can also use your fists to fight a thief for a throwing knife. Your next weapon is throwing knives. You can use these to kill your targets at longer ranges. The throwing knives come with a large dagger that can be use to fight off large amounts of small enemies. The next weapon is the sword. This can be used to fight off any type of enemy. The last weapon is the stealth assassination knife. This knife is a knife hidden under your sleeve that will come out when you clutch you fist. This is mainly used for killing a target that either doesn't know your there or if someone is on the ground. Your assassination weapons don't just hurt enemies, you can also do other attacks. One is the counter attack. This attack will allow you to use a enemy attack to kill or throw them on the ground. The next attack is to throw your enemy, if you are fighting a thief you can punch him and throw him. If you are fighting a enemy with a sword you can also throw them, this is good because when  enemy is on the ground it takes a while for them to get back up, and when they are on the ground you can hit them and they can't hit you back. The next move is the step. If you are fighting someone with a sword you can do extra damage with good timing, a step, and 2 slashes will lift a opponent's sword then strike his open chest. The next attack is the throw attack reversal. If a enemy is trying to throw you, you can reverse it and they'll end up on the ground. The last and most important sword attack is the block, while you are blocking you can not take damage from a enemy unless they use the step attack. That is all about weapons.

       Free Running             

                         In this game you can do multiple moves in free running. The first one is the eagle jump. In the eagle jump you jump off a  large hight into a hack stack. The eagle jump is important if you want to get to a lace faster or if you need to escape guards. The next move is very important like the eagle jump. This move lets you have less fall damage because you roll when falling, this also helps you get up faster. Thats all about free running.


                       Assassin's Creed is a great game that I love to play and I rate it: 8/10. I rated it a 8 because it has many quests, weapons, and fun. Thank you for reading my Assassin's Creed game review and have a great day.                              

h1> Game Explain

Game Reviews






Assassin's Creed: Game Review

Assassin's Creed

Game Review

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