Minecraft Mods: Buildcraft: Mod Review


Minecraft: Mods: Buildcraft

                         Hello my name is Derek and today I am going to be doing a review on a mod on Minecraft called Buildcraft. If you haven't looked at my regular Minecraft review I suggest you do now. Buildcraft was made by a person with the Minecraft name of Space Toad. Space Toad made and is still managing Buildcraft today. But, lets get started on what Buildcraft is really about. The goal of Buildcraft is to mine, collect, and build with automated systems. So, anyways lets get started.

Transport Pipes and Engines

                         In build craft the first thing your going to make is pipes. Pipes are used to transport items, liquids, and power. I am going to talk about the item transport pipes first: There are a few item transport pipes. The first one is the wooden pipe, the wooden pipe will extract items out of a inventory. You can extract items out of chests and furnaces. But, if you place the pipe it won't do anything. Thats because you need to power the pipe with something called a engine. There are 3 tiers of engines, the first one is the redstone engine. The redstone engine only needs a redstone pulse to operate. A down side is a redstone engine can explode, it will explode if it isn't powering anything but if it is powering the pipe it can't explode. The redstone engine has 4 stages. Blue, when a engine is blue it is at its coolest stage it is 0% full of power to 24% full of power when it is blue. The next stage is green, at green the engine is at 25% power and up to 49% power. The stage after that is the orange stage, at this stage it is from 50% power to 74% power. The last stage is switching form orange to red, this is 75% power to 99% power. At 100% power the engine explodes so you have to make sure the engine is properly powering the pipe. To connect the engine to the wooden pipe, connect the engine directly next to the engine, then it will put itself in the direction of the pipe. The next pipe is the cobblestone pipe. This pipe is the regular pipe used to transport items. If you make pipes connect to a chest it will pt the items in the chest. The next pipe is the iron pipe. This pipe is used for making items go one way in a intersection. For example if you wanted 4 chest's items to go into one chest the items will hit the intersection and go in random directions. The iron pipe makes the items all go in one direction. The next pipe is the gold pipe, this pipe, when powered by redstone will boost any items going through it as if it were a boost rail. The next pipe is the stone pipe, this pipe will make items go faster, longer when going through a gold pipe.The next pipe is the diamond pipe which will act like a filter. It has 6 colors for 6 sides and you can make it so that certain items going through it will only go in certain directions. The next and last transport pipe is the obsidian pipe. This pipe will suck up any items and put it in any pipes connected to it, and when powered by a engine it will suck up items that are farther away the higher tier the engine the farther the pipe can suck in items. Thats all about transport pipes and the redstone engine next I'll be telling you about putting items in other inventories.

Putting Items in Other Inventories

                           So, I talked about the transport pipes and the redstone engine, next I'm going to talk about putting items in other inventories. You can put items in a furnace with pipes. To do this you put the pipe facing in the bottom of the furnace, to put it in the fuel slot at the bottom, and you put the ores in the top of the furnace where they'll be put in the furnace's top slot. To output the ingots just put down a wooden pipe with a engine on any of the the remaining sides. There is another item added in Buildcraft: the automatic crafting table. This is good for when your crafting and you forgot some ingredients because, unlike the regular crafting table the automatic one keeps item in its inventory. It is also used for using pipes to craft items. To do this you put any recipe in the crafting table, connect a pipe to it that is feeding it the required items, and when it gets 2 of every item in its inventory it will, if a wooden pipe is connected, output the item crafted! Thats all about automated crafting and smelting, next I am going to be talking about basic liquid transportation. 

Basic Liquid Transportation

                         I told you about automated crafting and smelting next I am going to be telling you about Basic Liquid Transportation. First you all you need a pump, you use this to to extract liquids from water or lava deposits. The most engines you can put on a pump is 4. Since the pump needs more power you need all 4 sides covered by redstone engines for it to barely run. This isn't very efficient, so you should use the next tier engine. This engine is the steam engine. This will gain and output more power while also pumping faster than the redstone engine. But, it does take a redstone pulse and a fueling source. Now, how do you output the liquid out of the pump? You have to make a new pipe. This pipe is the cobblestone liquid transport pipe. This is the basic pipe for transporting liquids. Since the the pump has no inventory to hold liquid it will automatically output liquid. But, how do you store liquid? Its simple all you need to do is place a tank. How a tank works is one tank holds 10 buckets of any liquid, you can put 10 buckets in and out of the tank. You can also increase the storage of a tank by putting another tank on top of a already placed one. Thats all about Basic liquid transportation, next I will talk about the mining well and the refinery. 

          Mining Well and Advanced Power                     
                         So, I talked about basic liquid transportation, next I will be talking about the mining well and advanced power. The mining well will mine straight down and output items out of its top. The mining well needs at least steam engine power and if it doesn't have output pipes it will throw items up in the air. The mining well has no inventory so you don't need to use a wooden pipe to output items. Next I will talk about advanced power. There are new pipes along with advanced power, they are the power pipes. The wooden power pipes can run off of any engines you simply connect the wooden power pipe to the engine, power it and if anything needs power it will get power to it. You can use redstone engines to get power but to power a advanced machine you need about 250 redstone engines! You should use steam engines and up. Thats all about the mining well and advanced power, next I will talk about the refinery and the combustion engine.

Refinery and Combustion Engines

                         So, I told you about the mining well and advanced power, next I will tell you about the refinery and combustion engines. First I will talk about the combustion engine. The combustion engine is the tier 3 engine. To run it you need a liquid fuel and a coolant. The easiest fuel to find to power the combustion engine is lava, the coolant is water. Combustion engines over heat very easily you would need constant water, lava, and a redstone pulse to keep it running without it overheating. Now lets talk about the refinery. The refinery can refine a new liquid added by Buildcraft called oil. Oil is very hard to find, it is very rare, but it usually generates on the surface and goes deep underground. Oil can also be a more efficient fueling source for combustion engines. But, you can also refine it. To do that you need a lot of power put into the refinery and oil. Thats all about the refinery and combustion engines, next I'll be talking about the quarry, builder and filter. 

Quarry, Builder, Filler

                         So, I talked about the refinery and the combustion engine, now I'm going to be talking about the quarry, builder, and the filler. The quarry is a a great machine, it is like a mining well but it mines a bigger area. The quarry has a default mining area but you can make it bigger or smaller with land marks. The quarry will take a large amount of power and mine out a huge area until it hits lava or bedrock. The next item is the builder. In exchange for power and blocks the builder will build a variety of different forms, with one material, one is the cube. The last item is the filler which call clear or fill in an area in exchange for power and blocks. That is all for the quarry, builder, and filler. Next I'll be talking about templates, blueprints and trail building.

Templates, Blueprints, and Trail Building

                          So, I talked about the quarry, builder, and filler. Next I will be talking about templates, blueprints, and trail building. Templates are great items that save what blocks looked like in a area and build it in any one material you like. Blueprints are like a advanced version of templates, they can record a area,  tell you all the blocks its made out of, and you can copy it with all the correct blocks unlike templates. Trail markers are items that let you make a trail out of a recorded area. Thats all about templates, blueprints, and trail building. Next I'll talk about the assembly table and lasers.

Assembly Table and Lasers

                         I talked about templates, blueprints, and trail building, next I'll talk about the assembly table and lasers. When you power lasers they will power the nearest assembly table so you can have a lot of lasers increasing the speed of a assembly table. The assembly table is  used to make gates. I am not talking about wooden gates, I'm talking about not gates and, and gates. These gates can be placed on any pipe or machine. If you place it on a transport pipe you can make it so that a redstone signal will be pulsed if the pipe has a item going through it. Or you can place a gate on a tank and make it so that if the tank is full the gate will emit a redstone pulse. Thats all for my Buildcraft mod review next I will say my rating.


                         I talked about most of the things in Buildcraft and now I am going to say my rating:8/10. Buildcraft is a great mod so I rate it a 8 out of 10. Thank you for reading and have a great day.                                                         


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Minecraft Mods: Buildcraft: Mod Review




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