Civilization 5: Game Review

Civilization 5
    Civilization 5: Game Review
                           Hello, my name is Derek and today I'm going to do a game review on the game Civilization 5. Since this game is usually called Civ 5 I'm going to be calling it that through out this game review for my convenience. Civ 5 is the ultimate empire builder game, it includes making a colony, protecting it from enemy colonies, making different units, making inventions, and making neighboring colonies your ally or your enemy. Keep reading if you want to know more about Civ 5.
      Units and Basic Economy

                         Civ 5 isn't all about conquering, killing, and pillaging, its also about economy. You start out with one building which you will need to give food, protection, and happiness in exchange for a good, running colony and of course, money. As you upgrade you can earn more happiness and make units faster. There are a few units, they are; the scout, who will travel better than all the units with the exception of low attack and defense. The archer, who can shoot enemies at long ranges. Finally, the swordsman, the swordsman has low range but high attack and defense. The names of the units vary for different colonies. We have talked about units and the basic civilization, next I'll tell you about more advanced civilization.

 Culture, Buildings, and Inventions

                         So, now I'm going to talk about advanced civilization. In advanced civilization you have another topic:Inventions, inventions are very important for your colony's survival. The reason for this is because all the other colonies are upgrading and if you aren't the other colonies can easily destroy your colony with there more advanced weapons. Inventions are also important because they will give you points for what age your in, the farther you are the more useful the item, but the more useful the item means the harder the item is to get. So, how do you get those items? Well to make inventions you need science, you start with a small amount of science, but as you invent while upgrading and making buildings you will get more and more science to invent faster. So, lets talk about a new topic: upgrading and making buildings. First of all, you need a new unit called the builder to upgrade or make new buildings. The builder can make any building as long as you have it invented. So, there are many buildings, some give you happiness, some  give you money, and some give you culture. Culture is another important part of Civ 5. Culture can be made and used on buildings. Culture is very important to get because the buildings that cost culture  can generate you money or  happiness.I explained only a fraction of Civ 5, read on to see the conclusion and my rate. 


                         So, I talked about the units, economy, and fighting in Civ 5, but now I'm going to rate what I think of the game. Civ 5 is very fun at first, but over time it does get dry and boring because its just the same thing over and over again, that will cost Civ 5 some points. Civ 5 does get boring, but it is very wide and fun so, I'll rate it a 6/10. I didn't rate a 10 or just a 9 because it does get  boring after a amount of time. So, I hope you enjoyed thank you for reading and this was my game review on Civ 5!             


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Game Reviews






Civilization 5: Game Review

Civilization 5

Game Review

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