Minecraft Mods: Game Review

Technic Pack

Minecraft: Mods
                         Hello my name is Derek and today I am going to be doing a game review on Minecraft's mods. If you want to read my regular Minecraft review click here. In my regular Minecraft review I only had one paragraph for mods, so I decided to give Minecraft's mods a review of its own. This may be a shorter review since Minecraft's mods aren't as wide as Minecraft itself. But anyways lets get started!

Popular Mods

                         Minecraft has many mods but there are very few that are actually popular. In my regular Minecraft review I talked about a few popular mods, but in this review I'm going to talk about a few more. So, there are a few great mods that are very commonly used together. A few are Industrial Craft, Equivalent Exchange, and Build Craft. If you want to read my Buildcraft mod reviewclick here. These mods were the starting of a mod pack called the Technic Pack, for multi player the Tekkit Pack. These mod packs are used by many Minecraft players including myself. At the moment these mods are very popular and the Tekkit Pack has over hundreds of servers where thousands of players play with friends. I'm only talking about 2 mod packs, there are thousands of mods and many more to come!

Different Mods

                         There aren't only technical mods like the mods in the Technic and Tekkit Pack, there are also other mods that make Minecraft look differently or even load faster. One of these mods is called Optifine. Optifine is a commonly used mod that makes Minecraft load faster. It also adds plenty of features that can change the quality and speed of the game. Another mod that is fairly popular is called the Better Water Mod. This mod changes the way water looks in Minecraft. Usually Minecraft's water is a transparent blue color. With the mod the water will have multiple colors in it and it will reflect anything facing it as if it was real water. There are plenty of other mods to look at but thats all for now.


                         So, we talked about the Technic and Tekkit Pack and some other cool mods, I'm sorry this was shorter than usual but I felt like I had to give Minecraft mods their own review and, like I said before Minecraft's mods aren't as wide as Minecraft. But I know what I want to rate now, a 7.5/10. I didn't give the mods a 8 because a lot of of mods are horrible while only a small amount are actually good mods. Thank you for reading, thats all for now but there are plenty more reviews to come and have a great day.                                                                

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Minecraft Mods: Game review



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